People and Partners Group is proud to offer the premier level of career coaching services available in the HR space. Our expert career coaching services are provided by highly experienced recruitment consultants, headhunters, executive resume writers, and/or Talent Acquisitions.
Our sessions will help you find the job you deserve using cutting-edge job search tools, tips, and techniques to prepare you for your career growth, job search, and upcoming interviews!
Our career coaching sessions aid you understand yourself, what is important to you and monitor how changes in your interests, skills, values, personality and behaviors relate to your career.
Our Introductory Consultation provides a platform for self-examination. What are your interests, what is essential for you, what are the things you value, what are your unique skills etc. are some questions that need to be answered in this phase discover your values, traits, interests, and skills so as to set a goals for subsequent sessions and the future.
Create a tactical plan to get you from where you are today to where you want to be.
Our career couching service is here to aid fine-tune your plans to establish your short-term and long-term career goals and a forward-looking career road map. We hold you responsible and keep you on the pathway to achieve your goals and vision based on your skills and experiences as well as your strengths and weaknesses.
We provide career research services by gathering basic information about each of the careers on your list. Look at the general description of each profession, along with general labor market information, such as median salary, common benefits, educational and training requirements and the likelihood of being hired after meeting all the requirements. Continue narrowing down your list of possible careers by learning what working in different fields is really like.
This session encompasses learning about different careers, understanding the responsibilities and requirements, determining the compatibility and finally making a decision on the next step in your current career towards a new one to identify the motivating factors behind your desire to seek a bold career step.
As we have progressed to an information, service and technological-oriented economy, our networking relationships have become essential assets. These relationships will be the source of information about how emerging fields and industries are evolving.
At People and Partners Group, we clarify your story and transmit that story through a resume, social media (such as LinkedIn) and conversations (like networking and interviewing) helping you articulate your unique selling points and strengthen your networking relationship. This transcend specific companies, communities, and industries.